How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Greenwood

Rising summer temperatures may make your Greenwood apartment unbearably hot -- specifically if you live on an upper level. You might crank up the air conditioner for a quick respite and expect a more costly cooling bill. Another option is to pass your time somewhere else. Alternatively, follow these helpful hints to stay cool in your apartment in Greenwood.
Optimize Your A/C To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Greenwood

If you’re searching for ways to stay cool in your apartment in Greenwood, it’s often enticing to turn up your hard working A/C unit. However, using your A/C equipment at top capacity will get a bit pricey, and you shouldn’t expect it to cool your space more than 15-20 degrees lower than the outer air temperature. The better option is to run your air conditioner in a more cost-effective manner by setting the thermostat a few degrees higher prior to leaving for your daily commute. This will keep your apartment from getting too hot without overburdening your cooling system when you’re away. After arriving home, turn it back down to a more comfortable temperature.
Good HVAC maintenance helps your air conditioner function at a high level of efficiency as well. It’s a good idea to call on your maintenance team to inspect it and install new filters twice a year. A number of apartment communities have planned HVAC filter changes at specified times and supply the filters for you. Let them know if you have any concerns.
Use Window Treatments To Guard Against The Sun’s Heat

The windows at your apartment bring in a fair amount of heat. Protecting your space with the proper window treatments will aid in keeping you comfortable. Get started by closing your blinds. The standard white blinds in most apartments will divert a portion of the natural heat from sunshine. You can then install blackout window panels. These thick curtains block hot UV rays and can help keep your home cooler and more comfortable. The majority of apartment complexes allow you to install curtain hardware as long as you fix any holes you make before moving.
If you enjoy the scenery of your beautiful apartment community to a point that you don’t want to block your windows, you might use window films that reflect heat. This smart, see-through solution adheres to your windows where it blocks heat but not your perspective. For additional protection, apply adhesive weatherstripping along the window to minimize the influx of hot air while keeping the cool air in.
Improve Ventilation And Airflow With Fans
Fans help ensure the right amount of air circulation within all of your rooms to keep you more comfortable. Put your choice of fans next to a vent to circulate your treated air. If you have fans secured to your ceiling, set them to spin in a counterclockwise manner. This causes the blades to push the cooled air down.
When your apartment has exhaust fans in the bathroom or over the stove, you can use these too. Usually, these fans draw warmer air from your space and move it outside when showering or cooking, but they can remove warm air whenever you want. Power them on when you return in the evening to eliminate the uncomfortable, warm air that collects throughout your interior during your working hours while your air conditioner or ceiling fans replace it with more pleasant air.
Avoid Using The Oven When The Summer Heat Is Sizzling

See How We Keep Things Cool At Bayshore Apartments
Bayshore offers smartly designed floor plans, a host of popular features, and lovely, well-kept grounds--just what you require for pleasant apartment living in every season. Our knowledgeable staff will inform you about everything we have to offer Residents when you phone 317-886-1849 or arrange for a tour.